welcome to
the historic
prospect hotel
/ / / / our new site is currently under construction. / / / /If you would like to book your stay, check our availability below.

the historic
prospect hotel
bed and breakfast
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Historical Suites
The hotel history includes over 100 years of presidential stories, town pioneers pushing to build the town that is Prospect, OR, remodeling the hotel, and, of course, and Native American culture that has been around long before the hotel.
Each room in the Historic Hotel has a different story and piece of history to share with the guest.
The Historic
Bed & Breakfast 🍳
A period piece in itself, this Historic Hotel doubles as a Bed and Breakfast hotel with themed period guest, parlour, and dining room(s). Breakfast is included with any stay in the Historic Hotel. At check in, we may ask for more information from you about breakfast preferences, including the time you and your party would like to eat and if there are any allergies/sensitivities.
Tride & True
Highway Motel
Whether you're coming south from visiting Washington forests, or coming up north from California Redwoods, you'll want to stop by the Historic Prospect Hotel in Prospect, Oregon.45 minutes from Crater Lake, this is the closest hotel, motel, and restaurant on your travels to see what beautiful bits of nature and history that Southern Oregon has to offer.
World-Class Dining
Handmade, homemade, and _______
The History of the Hotel
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Visit More of
Prospect, Oregon
A 45 minute trip to Crater Lake, and a beautiful stop on any road trip, Prospect, Oregon is home to -____ People. Prospect is full to the brim with beautiful nature including 3 waterfalls (the largest being 240ft!), Mt. Mazama boulders, and a lava tube.
Prospect is also the last stop on many travelers journey to Crater Lake for the gas station, convenience store, restaurant and most importantly The Prospect Historic Hotel.
All-Inclusive Event Space
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Our World Famous
Dining Room & Kitchen
More Places to See in
Prospect, Oregon
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras lobortis mollis arcu, vel vulputate justo consectetur quis. Donec quis fringilla arcu lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam. Consequat adipiscing phasellus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras lobortis mollis arcu, vel vulputate justo consectetur quis. Donec quis fringilla arcu lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam. Consequat adipiscing phasellus.Donec cursus nunc ut rhoncus volutpat. Suspendisse dictum volutpat orci sit amet consequat. Duis fermentum urna et ligula lacinia faucibus efficitur non sapien. Nulla cursus arcu sapien. Nulla luctus tellus dapibus erat tincidunt feugiat. Suspendisse potenti lorem ipsum dolor. Magna sed risus bibendum, ullamcorper risus eget, accumsan odio. Ut ornare mi aliquet, ultrices velit vitae tempor augue fermentum tempus. Interested? Get in touch!
Thank you for stopping by
351 Mill Creek Dr
Prospect, IL 97536541-560-3664
[email protected]